Round 1 | |
A1:1-8 | Partners set to each other (4), right-hand turn halfway (4), then left-hand turn all the way (8). |
B1:1-2 | In fours, the ladies (first corners) "Hole-in-the-Wall", left-shoulders, to change places. |
3-4 | Opposites gypsy left-shoulders across, halfway, to change places. |
5-6 | In fours, the men (new first corners) "Hole-in-the-Wall", left-shoulders, to change places. |
7-8 | Partners gypsy left-shoulders across, halfway, to change places. |
A2:1-8 | Partners set to each other (4), left-hand turn halfway (4), then right-hand turn all the way (8). |
C:1-4 | Middles half Figure-of-eight out through their nearer end, WHILE the end dancers hitch back then meet their partner and each follow their same-gender neighbour into… |
5-8 | The middle ladies right-hand flutterwheel (picking up their own partners) to change the men over, plus a quarter more, WHILE the ends meet their far-enders (along the outside) then each cast out and back to own end. |
Round 2 | (A mirror-image of Round 1, i.e. for "right" and "man" read "left" and "lady", and vice-versa, except that all flutterwheels are "ladies right-hand".) |
A1:1-8 | Partners set to each other (4), left-hand turn halfway (4), then right-hand turn all the way (8). |
B:1-8 | In fours, the men (second corners) "Hole-in-the-Wall", right-shoulders (4), 0pposites gypsy right halfway (4), ladies (new second corners) "hole-in-the-Wall" right-shoulders (4) and partners gypsy right halfway (4). |
A2:1-8 | Partners set to each other (4), right-hand turn halfway (4), then left-hand turn all the way (8). |
C:1-4 | Middles half Figure-of-eight out through their nearer end, men going first, WHILE the end dancers hitch back then meet their partner and each follow their same-gender neighbour into… |
5-8 | The middle ladies (again) right-hand flutterwheel (picking up their own partners) to change the men over, plus a quarter more, WHILE the ends meet their far-enders (along the outside) then cast out and back to own end. |
Round 3 | Repeat Round 1. |
Round 4 | Repeat Round 2. All are home |
Coda | Lines go forward and back (8) then all two-hand turn partner once around (8). |