The Last Syllable

(CW1225)  (30 JUN '12)

Dance 5 in "Simonet's Suite"*.    4-Couple Longways.    Second and fourth couples improper (i.e. 1, -2, 3, -4).    Progression: 2, -4, 1, -3.    After 4 rounds all are home, and as they were (way back) at the start of "An(ne)t(te')s in her Pants" *, but then dance a coda (A3:1-8) to complete the suite.

Round 1


Partners set to each other (4), right-hand turn halfway (4), then left-hand turn all the way (8).


In fours, the ladies (first corners) "Hole-in-the-Wall", left-shoulders, to change places.


Opposites gypsy left-shoulders across, halfway, to change places.


In fours, the men (new first corners) "Hole-in-the-Wall", left-shoulders, to change places.


Partners gypsy left-shoulders across, halfway, to change places.


Partners set to each other (4), left-hand turn halfway (4), then right-hand turn all the way (8).
All are halfway round their original fours.


Middles half Figure-of-eight out through their nearer end, WHILE the end dancers hitch back then meet their partner and each follow their same-gender neighbour into…


The middle ladies right-hand flutterwheel (picking up their own partners) to change the men over, plus a quarter more, WHILE the ends meet their far-enders (along the outside) then each cast out and back to own end.
Order is now 2, -4, 1, -3.

Round 2

(A mirror-image of Round 1, i.e. for "right" and "man" read "left" and "lady", and vice-versa, except that all flutterwheels are "ladies right-hand".)


Partners set to each other (4), left-hand turn halfway (4), then right-hand turn all the way (8).


In fours, the men (second corners) "Hole-in-the-Wall", right-shoulders (4), 0pposites gypsy right halfway (4), ladies (new second corners) "hole-in-the-Wall" right-shoulders (4) and partners gypsy right halfway (4).


Partners set to each other (4), right-hand turn halfway (4), then left-hand turn all the way (8).


Middles half Figure-of-eight out through their nearer end, men going first, WHILE the end dancers hitch back then meet their partner and each follow their same-gender neighbour into…


The middle ladies (again) right-hand flutterwheel (picking up their own partners) to change the men over, plus a quarter more, WHILE the ends meet their far-enders (along the outside) then cast out and back to own end.
The set is now halfway round.

Round 3

Repeat Round 1.

Round 4

Repeat Round 2.
All are home


Lines go forward and back (8) then all two-hand turn partner once around (8).

Music: "La Finale"(A[=CD intro], + ABAC x 4, + A) by Simonet (c.1820), as played by Spare Parts for the fifth figure, "No.5  La Rosalinde", of the "Fashionable Parisian Quadrille" suite on their 2007 CD "The Regency Ballroom" (Track10).

* The non-stop sequence of five inter-connected dances that I've written to fit tracks 6-10 of the above CD (preferably without repetition, hesitation or deviation!) is called "Simonet's Suite" and consists of: "An(ne)t(te')s in her Pants" (4-couple longways), "Summer Storms" (4-couple Becket), "The Queen of Tarts" (4-couple Round), "The Pretty Parisian" (Square) and "The Last Syllable" (4-couple longways again).

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