Weaving Between the Lines

(CW1276)  (03 JANUARY '14)

3-Couple Longways Set. Change-partner (men 231, ladies 312). Waltz.


Middle couple back-to-back right-shoulder (4 waltz steps), going well out to allow (meanwhile) the second long corners (top lady, bottom man) to change places by gypsying left-shoulder halfway between (and behind) them (onto the centre-line just beyond middle places) (2 ws), then looping to their right into far corner places (2 ws), WHILE the first long corners change places by moving clockwise (across and along) halfway round, outside all the others (4 ws).      Order is now: 3s improper, 2s proper, 1s improper.


Middles, each with their own right-hand neighbour, back-to-back right-shoulder, WHILE the first long corners "Hole-in-the-Wall" right-shoulder to change places again.     All now home, except the first lady and third man who have changed places.


Middle couple back-to-back left-shoulder, going well out to allow (meanwhile) the first long corners to change places by gypsying right-shoulder halfway (onto the centre-line just beyond middle places), then looping to their left into far corner places, WHILE the second long corners change places by moving counter-clockwise (across and along) halfway round, outside all the others.      All now home, except original first man and third lady who are in each others' places..


Middles, each with their own left-hand neighbour, back-to-back left-shoulder and face out, WHILE the second long corners "Hole-in-the-Wall" left-shoulder to change places.     Order is now: 3s improper, 2s proper, 1s improper (as at end of A1:1-4).


Middles (facing out) move clockwise (to the right) halfway round the outside to change places, WHILE the end couples meet, then these four turn single right moving back to end places, and all six (now halfway round from home) flow into…


All hands-six to the left, four places, into a longways set with original twos in first long corner places.      All now one place to the left from home.


Lines fall back and move forward to face on the right diagonal.


Those four facing someone, passing right-shoulder to start, go four quick changes of a circular-hey back to these places, WHILE the second long corners move counter-clockwise (across and along) halfway round the outside to change places.

[Order is now: men 231, ladies 312.]

Repeat two more times. Subsequent rounds ( ) end in the orders:     (2) men 312, ladies 231;     (3) all home.

Music: 3 x 32 bar waltz, e.g. "The Way Back Home" (Larry Unger) as played by Larry Unger & Ginny Snowe (et al) on the CD "Waltz Time", Track 16.

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