Fare Thee Well

(CW570)  (20 MAR '98)

Longways duple minor-set, second couples improper.    NO NEUTRAL COUPLES (tip: ask for a Becket Set, then have ladies cross over).   Double progression.


All right-hand turn partner once round (8) and hold on for a modified Grand Chain, four changes, the first two being a square through (partner right, neighbour left) in own minor-set (4), then right and left around the General Set (i.e. across the ends as well) (4). All keep the last left hand for men to put this lady into…


Ladies'-Chain across the set to receive their own partner.


Men keeping left shoulders together, opposite couples promenade three-quarters round each other to face again (but along the set), and ladies flow into…


Pothooks (back-to-backs, but falling back along other side of set), ladies left shoulders and wide, men right shoulders and narrow, so that partners change places.


Same fours left-hand star halfway, and (ladies turning in left) neighbours set right and left.


Neighbours back-to-back right shoulder.


Partners back-to-back left shoulder, catching each other's right hand as they fall back (ready for the next Round).

Repeat ad lib.       

This can all flow like clockwork, especially if the ladies keep moving confidently forward (for 18 bars) through A1, A2 and into the pothooks.

Music: the dance was inspired by a wonderful (tape) recording of "(Fare Thee Well,) Old Joe Clark" played by Backporch Bluegrass on "Square Dance Tonight, Volume 3" (SQDP 9001), published by Square Dance Partners Forlag, Denmark, in 1990. Five minutes ten seconds of sheer bliss!

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