Dyson With Death

(CW1469)  (01 JAN '16)

Three-couple Longways. Second couple improper (i.e. 1, -2, 3). Change-partner.


Top 2 men cross right, turn right (4), into bottom 4 right-hand star once round as top pair back-to-back right shoulder (8), and all turn single left (4).
(Men 213, Ladies home.)


Bottom 2 men cross left, turn left (4), into top 4 left-hand star once round as bottom pair back-to-back left shoulder (8), and all turn single right (4).
(Men 231, Ladies home.)


Bottom 2 ladies cross right, turn right (4), into half a straight-hey-for-three along each side, both heys starting right shoulder with neighbour in bottom 4 (8), and all set (4).
(Men 132, Ladies 231.)


Bottom 2 ladies cross left, turn left (4), into half a straight-hey-for-three along each side, both heys starting left shoulder with neighbour in bottom 4 (8), and all set (4).
(Men 231, Ladies 312.)

Repeat two more times, to original partners and places.

Music: 3 x 32 bar reel.
Title: dedicated to Orly Krasner who, on the above date, mentioned my enormous "oover" (body of work) on the ECD discussion site. It is a Dyson upright, though I never thought it was that big!  Anyway, here's the latest home-made extension for it. The title seemed appropriate, in the sense that some callers feel as if they would be dicing with death by even thinking of calling one of my dances.     I'm leaving Orly to find a favourite tune (phrased 4, 8, 4 throughout?) to enhance her enjoyment of this dance.

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