A1:1-4 | End ladies each two-hand push their neighbouring man one place along this line (4), and then diagonally across into the other end lady's starting place (4), WHILE the middle ladies move, each to the place now opposite, by tightly turning right-hand five-eighths (onto the centre-line), then (widening) left-hand three-eighths. |
5-8 | Top two on men's side, bottom two on ladies' side, half Figure-of-Eight through the opposite two*. |
A2:1-4 | End men each two-hand push their neighbouring lady one place along this line (4), and then diagonally across into the other end man's starting place (4), WHILE the middle men move, each to the place now opposite, by tightly turning right-hand five-eighths (onto the centre-line), then (widening) left-hand three-eighths. |
5-8 | Top two on men's side, bottom two on ladies' side, half Figure-of-Eight through the opposite two*. From the top, the men are now: 2, -1, 4, -3; the ladies 3, -4, 1, -2. |
B1:1-8 | Ends staying in these fours throughout, all Grand Chain four changes (4 steps each), starting right hand with neighbour (in fours). From the top, the men are now: 2, -4, 1, -3; the ladies 3, -1, 4, -2. (Final progression.) |
B2:1-4 | All back-to-back, right shoulder, with neighbour (in fours). |
5-8 | Same fours circle left once round. |
Repeat three more times, to original partners and places. Set is halfway round after two times through.
* (who may meanwhile, if they wish, do a symmetrical back-to-back, moving forward around the crossing pair then falling back between them.)